If I won the lottery I would do several things for the benefit of my family. First, I would pay the debt of my parents with the bank for the house where they live. I shudder to think that someday may not pay out dividends and the bank remove the home that has cost them so much have. Also I would buy a department to my brother to live comfortably with his daughter.
Today, I'm going to talk about I would do if I won the lottery.

Once solved the problem of housing. I want to be able travel, to know Chile from North to South and why not other countries?. But not everything is pleasure. I would like to study another career because always wanted to study psychology and still can't remember why I have chosen to Sociology!!!. I must clarify that I love my career but study psychology would be incredible.
Finally I would like to help some foundations dedicated to children, animals and older adults with the amount of money required.
The remaining money is deposited in the bank to generate interest without risk to lose. I'm not interested in giving me a great life, only to ensure the welfare of my family and... work to live and not to survive!!