Today, I'm going to talk about the Christmas present would I like to get.
Honestly there is nothing material that you want at the moment but a Christmas present that I would love is a book written by Michel Foucault. I read some books and I love his work. Particularly I would like to receive the book entitled "The Order of Things" because I saw it in a bookstore and was the most expensive, therefore it is more difficult that I can buy =(.
If i had that book in my hands would read immediately because every time I read some book I learn something new and the feeling of "learn more" i like specially if that knowledge comes from one of my favorite authors.
Although I did not order gifts, now I just want the book or i'll be sad some minutes, but only some minutes because I just remember that I bought a pair of books in the FILSA and still i haven't read.
Also I would like to receive a printer because mine is bad and is very necessary for me. But what they really want is not material... I want my family and friends are very well and that the world a little better for all. Santa Claus don't let me down please!
...Merry Christmas!!!